Don’t waste time searching for movements, identifying processes and documents. Leave these tasks to FÁCIL CAPTURE SERVICE.

PARKER, artificial intelligence, is able to sort statuses and assign measures and deadlines. The FÁCIL MOVEMENTS CAPTURE SERVICE searches for procedural statuses in agencies and courts. The FÁCIL LAW SUIT CAPTURE SERVICE searches through identification data of processes. The FÁCIL DOCUMENTS CAPTURE SERVICE searches through public documents filed within the process.

Don’t waste time searching for movements, identifying processes and documents. Leave these tasks to FÁCIL CAPTURE SERVICE.
Fácil Movements Capture, Documents and Matters Identification Services

Fácil Movements Capture, Documents and Matters Identification Services

FÁCIL CAPTURE SERVICE checks the matters on websites of agencies and courts and brings statuses, identification of matter data and public documents to ESPAIDER.

In the case of movements, ESPAIDER notifies users about new procedural changes, suggests the steps to be followed and deadlines, helping to improve productivity and increasing the time available for the tasks of those responsible for the matters.

See how PARKER, Fácil’s artificial intelligence tool, can sort the collected statuses and assign measures and deadlines.



Receipt of alerts




Captcha resolution





See how this solution empowers your business



Movements will be made available via the Internet, according to the frequency requested by the client, which may be daily – every working day, every two working days, weekly or monthly.

The matter identification data is made available on demand periodically. The customer registers the matter number and the service searches for the matter identification data.

The availability of documents takes place concurrently with the search for movements or with the search for matter identification data.

Firm with a workflow

Firm with a workflow

Movements collected can generate deadlines and commitments to be met by those responsible for the matter, according to the needs of each law firm or legal department.

The identification of each status can be performed by PARKER (Artificial Intelligence), which recognizes the progress by the registered text.

Captcha resolution

Captcha resolution

Fácil Capture Service does the captcha resolution.



FÁCIL MOVEMENTS CAPTURE SERVICE is marketed by consultation matter and frequency.

FÁCIL LAW SUIT CAPTURE SERVICE (matter identification data) is marketed by the number of matters collected.

FÁCIL DOCUMENTS CAPTURE SERVICE (documents) can be added to one or both previous services, with a small increase to cost.

Receive the movements, matter identification data and documents directly on your ESPAIDER

Discover how FÁCIL CAPTURE SERVICE can increase your productivity

With FÁCIL CAPTURE SERVICE, you will receive the movements, data for matters identification and documents related to matter incidents directly on your Espaider system, with no need to inform the captchas.

From the movements capture, the service allows an approving control, alerts by email or pop-ups on-screen and deadlines suggestions, appointments, and tasks. Integrate and automate your office's or department's areas with FÁCIL CAPTURE SERVICE.

See how PARKER, Fácil's artificial intelligence tool, can classify the captured movements and assign tasks and deadlines.

Request a demo now